Home Services New Boilers

Brand new boilers installed professionally.

Have your boiler installed professionally and according to all relevant regulations and standards.

Getting a new boiler is an important decision. People sometimes want a new boiler if they are having continued problems with their existing boiler, most often caused by the appliance being very old.

Another reason to get a new boiler is to switch from a system boiler (ones with a tank in an airing cupboard or loft) to a combi boiler, which provides hot water on demand and takes up less space.

Part of the process of getting a new boiler is selecting the best model and suitable Kw rating (depending on how big your property is). Bertolli Heating & Plumbing can help with this.

Once decided your new boiler can usually be installed within a few days.

It will be installed to the highest standard and your satisfaction is guaranteed. We will not accept final payment until you are 100% happy with everything.

New boiler installation in Merstham, Surrey
Merstham Plumbing Service
Merstham Gas Safety Certificate